Design &
Innovation Centre

The Design and Innovation Centre (DIC) at Indian Institute of Gandhinagar(IITGN) fosters a multidisciplinary approach to promote collaborative research and educational initiatives on design and innovation. The purpose/objective of the DIC is to develop innovations that improve the quality of life in India in particular and the world in general. The Centre has a strong industry and social focus and follows a human-centric design philosophy through its curricular and extracurricular activities in a wide range of areas.


Mission & Vision

The modern age is shaped to a large extent by the interaction between society and technological innovation. Innovation, of course, is applied science and technological progress. The effectiveness of these innovations depends on how technologies simplify/modify social, economical and environmental aspects.
The mission of the Design and Innovation Centre (DIC) at IITGN is to develop solutions that address society’s most pressing needs and complex challenges.

The value addition through innovation in design has the potential to play a pivotal role in enhancing competitiveness for both manufacturing and service industries in India. However, design promotion and education are being recognised only in recent times, especially by Indian Academia and Small and Medium Enterprises(SME).
There is a need to bring design, technology, philosophy and sustainability together for creating positive impulse in the national economy and quality of life for everyone.

IIT Gandhinagar has been inculcating design since its inception in 2008. Design along with humanities and social sciences is an element of the engineering curriculum at IITGN. Design thinking or creative problem solving is an attitude that benefits all the engineering students. DIC aims at nurturing the creative capabilities of the students of technology by providing them with platforms.